What I've Done...

Here's some of my featured projects, past and present!

General Interface
Playback Demo
Shape Editing Options
5000-Shape Animation Excerpt

I created Excellence, an animation software, from the ground up with a partner using Java and Java Swing. Excellence can take in animation instructions in text format and supports several forms of output, including visual animation and SVG format. The software is also capable of live animation editing, custom playback, layers, and more!

This project was originally an assignment for Northeastern’s Object-Oriented Design course, and has seen some non-assigned additions and refinements since the assignment.


I’ve always loved Minecraft – it’s a central part of my childhood! Inspired by fan-made mods that I used to (and still do!) install to enhance the game, I decided to try creating a mod myself. I am leveraging the Java I have learned so far at Northeastern to create this independent project. This is my first foray into practical, out-of-course programming from the ground up!

This mod is currently a work in progress; it is not yet deliverable/installable for outside use. This page will update along with the project!

Using Java and the command prompt, I built ASCII marble solitaire! The program is able to take in various command-line arguments (type of board, size, starting location) and user input for moves to run a corresponding custom solitaire game.

I worked with Professor Xiaojun Ren and his team of graduate biochemistry researchers at the University of Colorado, Denver and have the humble honor of being named a contributor on our paper on protein assembly, as well as second contributor on a related research poster presented at a state research convention!

The paper is published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry (JBC) and can be found here!

I built this website from scratch using HTML, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and GitHub website hosting. No templates or builder sites (e.g. Weebly) were used. The entirety of this website’s code and my knowledge of it was self-taught, not a part of a course or guided project. It ain’t much but I’m proud of it!

And Where I've Been!

These are the people and places I've worked with!

I joined the Manville School in Boston during January 2020 as a Science, Technology, and Engineering intern. The Manville School is a specialized K-11 school that caters to kids with special learning needs. My responsibilities include data analysis on standardized test scores and compiling topic- and grade-specific online education resources. As the COVID pandemic set in mid-March, the latter part of my job became even more crucial to my role. I helped smooth the transition into online learning and provided easy access to remote learning material.

The staff at Manville are all amazing and have so much passion in what they do! I am truly grateful for the opportunity to meet people and work towards a common goal together.

Swedish Medical Center

I volunteered at Swedish Medical Center in Englewood, Colorado for two years. As a general volunteer, I was mainly responsible for staffing the front desk, but also took on responsibilities like mail delivery, wheelchair management, supply upkeep, and other necessary tasks. I learned a boatload about hospital workings, professionalism, and empathy during my weekly shifts.

CU Denver

I joined Professor Xiaojun Ren’s biochemistry lab as a research assistant in December 2016 and contributed for over two and a half years. I worked alongside Prof. Ren’s graduate research group to study protein formation and its effects on human processes. My contributions included performing lab procedures, running data analysis, and helping others with big tasks. Everyone was awesome, and I loved researching alongside the crew! I learned an invaluable amount, from science to lab work to life lessons.

Michigan State University

In the Summer of 2018, I joined Professor Ned Jackson’s organic chemistry lab at Michigan State University for an intensive, 7-week summer research program. The opportunity was via the High School Honors Science Program @ MSU (a competitive program with a ~6% acceptance rate). Me and my 23 fellow HSHSP 2019 researchers worked full-time, five days a week in our respective labs. I studied methoxy cleavage pathways using NMR and o-chem techniques to further the lab’s green energy research! My findings have since been used to build new inquiries and solve lingering questions.

Private Source Code Info

Info about academic integrity & how to access private code!

If a link to a project's source code redirected you here, please contact me and I can temporarily open the code to be viewable! You can reach me through LinkedIn and email!

Why is this necessary? In order to honor academic integrity at Northeastern University, some project source code cannot be publicly available. This applies to anything that is the intellectual property of Northeastern, which in this case is any project that originates from a course assignment. This applies to the Excellence Animator and Marble Solitaire.

Northeastern Khoury College